Sustainability Statement and Materiality
UNITED ARROWS LTD. identifies its materiality and develops systems to promote sustainability.
Sustainability Statement
With the aim of “setting a standard of lifestyle culture,” we will continue to take the initiative to realize a sustainable society and environment through the creation of five values. We believe that our continuing to do so will make the world affluent and delightful.
Materiality Identification Process
In April 2020, we identified our materiality: 5 themes and 16 items
Step 1: Select important social issues
Twenty eight material items were selected while referring to the goals set by international frameworks such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and ISO 26000, those set by fashion businesses in Japan and overseas, assessment items by ESG assessment organizations, and the result of interviews with twenty members including senior management of our company regarding issues they recognized.
Step 2: Evaluate materiality
In consideration of the importance to our stakeholders (customers, employees, business partners, society and shareholders) and priorities in our business activities, ninety three section head or higher evaluated the importance of the materiality, and created the Materiality Matrix.
Step 3: Interviews with outside experts
Interviews were conducted with outside directors and six outside experts using the created Materiality Matrix.
Step 4: Identify materiality
Based on the results of Steps 2 and 3, the Board of Directors held active discussions repeatedly, and after obtaining approval from the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors together with the medium-term management plan, 5 themes and 16 materiality items were identified.
Sustainability Promotion System
The Sustainability Committee was established in April 2020 as an organization subordinate to the Executive Committee. With the Committee being chaired by the Representative Director, President and CEO, and consisting of executive directors, the management is taking proactive action. Under the leadership of the Committee, departments across the board are working together in promoting related activities.
Sustainability Committee
The Committee meets regularly every month to deliberate on policies and initiatives related to sustainability strategies and to review their progress.
(1) Deliberation on basic policies, promotion items, promotion plans, and promotion content of sustainability strategies
(2) Development and improvement of the in-house sustainability strategies promotion system
(3) Review of the progress of sustainability strategies and deliberation on the improvement plan
(4) Deliberation on effective disclosure of information about sustainability strategies
(5) Deliberation on the promotion of specific sustainability business and projects
Agreement with the TCFD Recommendations
Our company agrees with the TCFD Recommendations.
Information Disclosure Based on the Recommendations of the Task Force on Climaterelated Financial Disclosures
ESG Data Book
We have compiled ESG data.
ESG Data Book
*Certificate of independent third-party institution for the environmental data
To improve the reliability of the calculation information, we have received third-party certificate from Socotec Certification Japan K.K. for the greenhouse gas emissions (Scope1, 2 and 3) and water consumption for FY2024
Third Party Certificate Report
Information disclosure based on CDP’s questionnaire
The Company has responded to CDP Water since 2021 and CDP Climate since 2022.
*CDP website
The UNITED ARROWS Group’s Efforts to Prevent Bribery and Corrupt Practices
We have summarized efforts to prevent bribery and corrupt practices within the UNITED ARROWS Group.
The UNITED ARROWS Group’s Efforts to Prevent Bribery and Corrupt Practices