Corporate Governance
Our basic stance to
corporate governance
At the time of its founding in October 1989, UNITED ARROWS LTD. defined its founding spirit as "contributing to society by setting new standards of Japanese lifestyle." The essence of this spirit has been maintained and its expressions updated to better match the times so that it can continue to function as the basis for the actions of all directors and employees as our Company Policy. In addition, we have defined our promise to society and the creation of value for five distinct stakeholders as key features of our Policy Structure. The five distinct stakeholders for which value is to be created are customers, employees, business partners, society, and shareholders. In this regard, the Company's mission is to increase value for all stakeholders.
In order to maintain the proper mindset that will allow us to realize our Company Policy, we put in place the Code of Conduct. This code expresses how we should think and act to achieve our stated goals.
Recognizing the critical need to build a transparent and fair management framework, along with a structure under which we are capable of making timely and bold decisions, we are committed to continuously strengthening and expanding our corporate governance capabilities and functions in order to realize our corporate philosophy, fulfill our promise to society, and create value for five distinct stakeholders. Through these means, we are working to enhance our corporate value on a long-term and continuous basis.
Outline of the corporate governance framework
as of June 26, 2024
- Organizational format
- Company with an Audit and Supervisory Committee
- Chairman of the Board of Directors
- Representative Director, President and CEO
- Directors (excluding directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee members)
- Four (none of whom are outside directors)
- Directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee members
- Three (all of whom are outside directors)
- Independent officers*
- Three outside directors
- Average age
- 51.1years old
- Number of Board of Directors’ meetings held during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024
- 18 times
- Number of Audit and Supervisory Board meetings held during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024
- 16 times
- Number of Nomination and Compensation Committee's meetings held during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024
- 7 times
* Toru Nishiwaki, Yusaku Kurahashi, and Shiho Takano satisfy the qualifications for independent officers stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. as well as the “Independence Determination Standards for Independent Officers” of the Company and has submitted notification of their appointments as independent officers to the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc.
Board of Directors
Introduces skills and career summary of directors and executive officers.
Management Policies
Business Overview
Financial Information
Stock Information
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