Customer Service Policy

1. Introduction

If the Company determines that there has been a fact or an act against its customers, employees, or the Company that exceeds the socially accepted norm, we may refuse to carry out or suspend providing our services, including transactions in use.
Furthermore, if the fact or act is deemed to be malicious, we will contact our legal counsel, the police, and those involved in the act as necessary, and take appropriate measures including legal and criminal proceedings.
Examples of facts or acts that the Company considers to be beyond the realm of social norms include (but are not limited to) the following.

2. Acts Covered by This Policy

If the Company determines that there has been a fact or an act against its customers, employees, or the Company that exceeds the socially accepted norm, we may refuse to carry out or suspend providing our services, including transactions in use.
Furthermore, if the fact or act is deemed to be malicious, we will contact our legal counsel, the police, and those involved in the act as necessary, and take appropriate measures including legal and criminal proceedings. Examples of facts or acts that the Company considers to be beyond the realm of social norms include (but are not limited to) the following.

  • ・Acts of violence, abusive language, threats, blackmail or intimidation
  • ・Demands for an apology from the Company or its employees without reasonable grounds, demands for compensation such as money, and demands for punishment of our employees
  • ・Acts that infringe on the rights and interests of employees by making disparaging or insulting remarks or invasion of privacy, etc.
  • ・Reprimands over a long period of time (including on phone calls), refusal to leave premises, repeating one-sided assertions and complaints, and other acts that obstruct employees' duties
  • ・Postings on social media and the Internet that damage the reputation of the Company or its employees
  • ・Statements or acts that indicate a lack of understanding of our sales methods or various services without justifiable cause
  • ・Acts that cause significant inconvenience to other customers

We would appreciate your understanding and cooperation in the above as we strive to build a better relationship with our customers and improve our products and services.

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